Gently, the winds would stream;
Coaxing the chimes to dance,
Freighted with a whiff of the ocean.
Merrily, the birds would tweet;
Chirping in tandem with the clinks,
Envious of the nest that we built.
The waters were cool, our sorrows; minute,
Then out of the blue, calamity loomed.
The waters were calm, and sorrows were far,
As embers, the start; lit coals in the dark.
In reverse, it abounded,
From cinders to raging fires.
With haste, it sprouted,
From thorns to buried pikes.
Unchecked, they burned;
setting our paths afire,
morphing our paradise into a crippled pyre.
But unruffled, we stand;
Confident that our embrace,
Is all that is required to navigate this hellscape.